H. Crawford Coates, Jr. enjoyed a short, but intense, career in Philadelphia before moving west. He was born in Capetown, South Africa, the son of H. Crawford and Sarah (Holmes) Coates. In 1883 he entered the University of Pennsylvania, but left during his senior year. According to the Philadelphia Real Estate Record and Builders Guide Coates opened an office at 110 South Fourth Street in April 1891. His first appearance in the Philadelphia city directories is in 1892, at which time he is associated with Samuel Hall Day in the firm of Day & Coates. He remained associated with Day through 1896. In that year he opened an office at 1107 Walnut, an address shared by T. Mellon Rogers and John D. Thomas. By 1898 Coates was in the office of Dull & Peterson, and the following year the firm name was revised to Dull, Peterson & Coates. His partners were John J. Dull and Robert E. Peterson, III. By 1900, Peterson had left the firm, and it then became known as Dull & Coates until 1905. In 1906, the last year when Coates appears in the Philadelphia city directories, he is listed again working independently.
By 1907 Coates was established on a ranch in Latah Co., Idaho, and in 1908 he was associated with the architectural firm of Howard & Galloway (John G. Howard and J. D. Galloway) which, while based in San Francisco, was responsible for the design of several buildings at the Alaska-Yukon-Pacific Exposition in Seattle, WA, of 1909. (He is listed in the Seattle city directories for 1908, 1909, and 1910.) Coates later worked in both Victoria and Vancouver, BC, establishing an office with Arthur Fleet in June 1913 (Coates & Fleet). By 1917 Coates was operating independently, and in 1918 he left Canada. At the time of his death Coates was a resident of Mahattan Beach, CA.
During his time in Philadelphia, Coates held memberships in the national AlA, the Pennsylvania Society of Architects and the T-Square Club. An avid cricketeer, he also belonged to the Belmont Cricket Club. Additional memberships were held in the Sketch Club, the Zeta Psi fraternity, and Modern Woodmen of America.
Written by
Sandra L. Tatman.
Clubs and Membership Organizations
- Pennsylvania Society of Architects
- American Institute of Architects (AIA)
- Philadelphia Chapter, AIA
- Philadelphia Sketch Club
- T-Square Club
- Belmont Cricket Club
- Modern Woodmen of American
- Zeta Psi
School Affiliations
- University of Pennsylvania
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