Arch Street Presbyterian Church interior, 1006 Arch Street, Philadelphia, Pa.
Quantity: 2 photographic prints : albumen mounted on paper; 17 x 27 cm.(6.75 x 10.75 in.)
Library Company of Philadelphia Print Dept. stereo - McAllister & Bro. - Religion [1322.F.152g; (5)1322.F.151a]
Arch Street Presbyterian Church interiors, 1006 Arch Street, Philadelphia
Quantity: 3 photographic prints: 2 albumen mounted on paper; 1 albumen on carte de visite mount; 17 x 27 cm.(6.75 x 10.75 in.) or smaller.
Library Company of Philadelphia Print Dept. photo - McAllister & Bro. [(4)1322.F.151a; (4)1322.F.152a]Library Company of Philadelphia Print Dept. cdv - McAllister & Bro. [(4)1322.F.152b]
Baptist Church, West Philadelphia
Quantity: 1 photographic print: albumen on stereograph mount; 9 x 17 cm.(3.25 x 6.75 in.)
Library Company of Philadelphia Print Dept. stereo - McAllister & Bro. - Religion [(4)1322.F.4a]
Blockley Baptist Church interior, 525-553 North 53rd Street, Philadelphia
Quantity: 1 photographic print: albumen; 9 x 9 cm.(3.5 x 3.5 in.)
Library Company of Philadelphia Print Dept. stereo - McAllister & Bro. - Religion [(4)1322.F.4x]
Blockley Baptist Church interior, 525-553 North 53rd Street, Philadelphia
Quantity: 1 photographic print: albumen mounted on paper; 9 x 9 cm.(3.5 x 3.5 in.)
Library Company of Philadelphia Print Dept. stereo - McAllister & Bro. - Religion [(4)1322.F.4b]
Christ Church, Philadelphia.
Quantity: 1 photographic print: albumen on stereograph mount; 9 x 18 cm.(3.25 x 7 in.)
Library Company of Philadelphia Print Dept. stereo - McAllister & Bro. - Religion [(4)1322.F.65a]
Christ Church, Philadelphia.
Quantity: 1 photographic print: albumen on stereograph mount, hand-colored; 9 x 18 cm.(3.25 x 7 in.)
Library Company of Philadelphia Print Dept. stereo - McAllister & Bro. - Religion [(4)1322.F.65b]
Christ Church, Philadelphia.
Quantity: 1 photographic print: albumen on stereograph mount; 9 x 18 cm.(3.25 x 7 in.)
Library Company of Philadelphia Print Dept. stereo - McAllister & Bro. - Religion [(4)1322.F.65c]
Christ Church, Philadelphia.
Quantity: 15 photographic prints: albumen; 17 x 27 cm.(6.5 x 10.5 in.) or smaller.
Library Company of Philadelphia Print Dept. photo - McAllister & Bro. [(4)1322.62d; 64a; 64a(v); 64e; P.8662.3 & 4]Library Company of Philadelphia Print Dept. stereo - McAllister & Bro. - Religion [(4)1322.F.63a; 64,64b(v)-d(v); 65e; P.8687.3]Library Company of Philadelphia Print Dept. cdv - McAllister & Bro. - Religion [(4)1322.F.64c & 66c]
Church of the Epiphany.(Protestant Episcopal,) n.w. corner of Chestnut and Fifteenth streets, Philadelphia.
Quantity: 3 photographic prints: 2 albumen mounted on paper; 1 albumen on carte-de-visite mount 17 x 27 cm.(6.75 x 10.75 in.) or smaller.
Library Company of Philadelphia Print Dept. photo - McAllister & Bro. [(4)1322.F.69a; (4)1322.F.(69b)]Library Company of Philadelphia Print Dept. cdv - McAllister & Bro. [(4)1322.F.69d]
Church of the Holy Trinity, (Protestant Episcopal,) southwest corner of Walnut and Nineteenth Streets, Philadelphia
Quantity: 8 photographic prints: 2 albumen on stereograph mount; 4 albumen mounted on paper; 1 albumen; 1 albumen on carte de visite mount; 17 x 27 cm.(6.5 x 10.5 in.) or smaller.
Library Company of Philadelphia Print Dept. stereo - McAllister & Bro. - Religion [(4)1322.F.72(v);(4)1322.F.73b, P.9047.100]Library Company of Philadelphia Print Dept. photo - McAllister & Bro. [(4)1322.F.71c; 72a; 73c-d]Library Company of Philadelphia Print Dept. cdv - McAllister & Bro. [(4)1322.F.73dx]
Church of the Incarnation, Broad and Jefferson streets, Philadelphia
Quantity: 2 photographic prints: albumen mounted on paper; 11 x 12 cm.(4.25 x 4.5 in.) or smaller.
Library Company of Philadelphia Print Dept. stereo - McAllister & Bro. - Religion [(4)1322.F.74a(v) & 74b(v)]
First Independent Church, northeast corner of Broad and Sansom streets, Philadelphia
Quantity: 1 photographic print: albumen on stereograph mount; 9 x 18 cm.(3.25 x 6.75 in.)
Library Company of Philadelphia Print Dept. stereo - McAllister - Religion [1322.F.152d]
First Reformed Presbyterian Church, Broad Street between Spruce and Pine streets, Philadelphia
Quantity: 5 photographic prints: 2 albumen on stereograph mounts; 2 albumen mounted on paper; 1 albumen on carte de visite mount; 13 x 20 cm.(5.25 x 8 in.) or smaller.
Library Company of Philadelphia Print Dept. stereo - McAllister & Bro. - Religion [(4)1322.F.40b, c, e & f]Library Company of Philadelphia Print Dept. cdv - McAllister & Bro. - Religion [(4)1322.F.40a]
First United Presbyterian Church, southwest corner of Broad and Lombard streets, Philadelphia
Quantity: 5 photographic prints: 1 albumen on stereograph mount, hand-colored; 4 albumen mounted on paper; 13 x 21 cm.(5 x 8 in.) or smaller.
Library Company of Philadelphia Print Dept. stereo - McAllister & Bro. - Religion [1322.F.42a]Library Company of Philadelphia Print Dept. photo - McAllister & Bro. - Religion [(4)1322.F.41b; (4)1322.F.42ax; (4)1322.F.42b & c]
Interior of Christ Church, Philada. in 1785
Quantity: 1 photographic print: albumen mounted on paper; 30 x 25 cm.(12 x 10 in.)
Library Company of Philadelphia Print Dept. photo - McAllister & Brother [(4)1322.F.65]
Saint Andrew's Church, Philadelphia.
Quantity: 5 photographic prints: 3 albumen on stereograph mounts; 1 albumen mounted on paper; 1 albumen on carte de visite mount; 9 x 19 cm.(3.5 x 7.25 in.) or smaller.
Library Company of Philadelphia Print Dept. stereo - McAllister & Bro. - Religion [(4)1322.F.80c & e-g]Library Company of Philadelphia Print Dept. cdv - McAllister & Bro. - Religion [(4)1322.F.80d]
Saint James' Church, Philadelphia.
Quantity: 7 photographic prints: 4 albumen on stereograph mounts; 2 albumen on carte de visite mounts; 1 albumen mounted on paper; 27 x 17 cm.(6.75 x 10.75 in.) or smaller.
Library Company of Philadelphia Print Dept. photo - McAllister & Bro. [P.8662.6]Library Company of Philadelphia Print Dept. stereo - McAllister & Bro. - Religion [(4)1322.F.82b; (4)1322.F.82f; (4)1322.F.83a;(4)1322.F.83c]Library Company of Philadelphia Print Dept. cdv - McAllister & Bro. - Religion [(4)1322.82d; 1322.F.83b]
Saint Luke's Church, Philadelphia.
Quantity: 5 photographic prints: 4 albumen on stereograph mounts; 1 albumen on carte-de-visite mount; 9 x 18 cm.(3.75 x 7 in.) or smaller.
Library Company of Philadelphia Print Dept. stereo - McAllister & Bro. - Religion [1322.F.87c; (4)1322.F.88a & b; P.9047.101]Library Company of Philadelphia Print Dept. cdv - McAllister & Bro. - Religion [P.2282.50]
Saint Mark's Church, Philadelphia.
Quantity: 4 photographic prints: 3 albumen on stereograph mounts; 1 albumen on carte de visite mount; 9 x 18 cm.(3.25 x 6.75 in.)
Library Company of Philadelphia Print Dept. stereo - McAllister & Bro. - Religion [(4)1322.F.90b; (4)1322.F.91d & e]Library Company of Philadelphia Print Dept. cdv - McAllister & Bro. - Religion [(4)1322.F.90c]
Saint Michael's Church, (Protestant Episcopal,) High Street, between Main and Morton streets - Germantown, Philadelphia.
Quantity: 3 photographic prints: 1 albumen on stereograph mount; 2 albumen on carte-de-visite mounts; 9 x 18 cm.(3.25 x 7 in.) or smaller.
Library Company of Philadelphia Print Dept. stereo - McAllister & Bro. - Religion [(4)1322.F.92a]Library Company of Philadelphia Print Dept. cdv - McAllister & Bro. [(4)1322.F.91f & 92f]
Saint Peter's Church, Philadelphia.
Quantity: 11 photographic prints: 8 albumen on stereograph mounts; 2 albumen mounted on paper; 1 albumen on carte de visite mount 9 x 18 cm.(3.25 x 7 in.) or smaller.
Library Company of Philadelphia Print Dept. stereo - McAllister & Bro. - Religion [(4)1322.F.93a, c, e & f; (4)1322.F.93c(v); (4)1322.F.94ax; 8424.F.7-8; 8424.F.12; P.8662.5]Library Company of Philadelphia Print Dept. cdv - McAllister & Bro. - Religion[(4)1322.F.93g]
Saint Stephen's Church, Philadelphia.
Quantity: 10 photographic prints: 8 albumen on stereograph mounts; 1 albumen mounted on paper; 1 albumen on carte de visite mount; 9 x 18 cm.(3.25 x 6.75 in.) or smaller.
Library Company of Philadelphia Print Dept. stereo - McAllister & Bro. - Religion [(4)1322.F.34a; (4)1322.F.96a, d, dx, f & g; (4)1322.F.97a & b; P.9047.102]Library Company of Philadelphia Print Dept. cdv - McAllister & Bro. - Religion [(4)1322.F.96c]
St. Malachy's Church, 1429 North 11th Street, Philadelphia
Quantity: 4 photographic prints: 2 albumen on stereograph mounts; 1 albumen mounted on paper; 1 albumen on carte de visite mount; 9 x 18 cm.3.5 x 7 in.) or smaller.
Library Company of Philadelphia Print Dept. stereo - McAllister & Bro. - Religion [(5)1322.F.40f, g & j]Library Company of Philadelphia Print Dept. cdv - McAllister & Bro. - Religion [(5)1322.F.40i]
Central Presbyterian Church, Philadelphia
Quantity: 1 photographic print: albumen on stereograph mount, hand-colored; 9 x 18 cm.(3.25 x 7 in.)
Library Company of Philadelphia Print Dept. stereo - McAllister & Bro. - Religion [(4)1322.F.38a]
Central Presbyterian Church, Philadelphia
Quantity: 1 photographic print: albumen on stereograph mount, hand-colored; 9 x 18 cm.(3.25 x 7 in.)
Library Company of Philadelphia Print Dept. stereo - McAllister & Bro. - Religion [(4)1322.F.37c]
Central Presbyterian Church, Philadelphia
Quantity: 4 photographic prints: 3 albumen mounted on paper; 1 albumen on carte de visite mount; 17 x 27 cm.(6.75 x 10.5 in.) or smaller.
Library Company of Philadelphia Print Dept. photo - McAllister & Bro. [(4)1322.F.36d; (4)1322.F.37a & b]Library Company of Philadelphia Print Dept. cdv - McAllister & Bro. [(4)1322.F.38b]
Church of the Intercessor, Philadelphia
Quantity: 1 photographic print: albumen on stereograph mount; 11 x 18 cm.(4.25 x 7 in.)
Library Company of Philadelphia Print Dept. stereo - McAllister - Religion [(4)1322.F.74c(v)]
Church of the Intercessor, Philadelphia.
Quantity: 2 photographic prints: albumen on stereograph mount, hand-colored; 9 x 18 cm.(3.25 x 7 in.)
Library Company of Philadelphia Print Dept. stereo - McAllister & Bro. - Religion [(4)1322.F.75a ; (4)1322.F.76a]
Church of the Intercessor, Philadelphia.
Quantity: 1 photographic print: albumen on stereograph mount; 11 x 18 cm.(4.25 x 7 in.)
Library Company of Philadelphia Print Dept. stereo - McAllister - Religion [(4)1322.F.75d]
Church of the Intercessor, Philadelphia. (Protestant Episcopal.) Spring Garden Street, below Broad, Philadelphia.
Quantity: 1 photographic print: albumen on stereograph mount, hand-colored; 11 x 18 cm.(4.25 x 7 in.)
Library Company of Philadelphia Print Dept. stereo - McAllister & Bro. - Religion [(4)1322.F.75c]
Church of the Intercessor, Philadelphia. (Protestant Episcopal.) Spring Garden Street, below Broad, Philadelphia.
Quantity: 2 photographic prints: 1 albumen on stereograph mount, hand-colored; 1 albumen on carte-de-visite mount; 11 x 18 cm.(4.25 x 7 in.) or smaller.
Library Company of Philadelphia Print Dept. stereo - McAllister & Bro. - Religion [(4)1322.F.75e]Library Company of Philadelphia Print Dept. cdv - McAllister & Bro. - Religion [(4)1322.F.72b]
First Baptist Church, Philadelphia
Quantity: 1 photographic print: albumen mounted on paper; 11 x 20 cm.(4.25 x 8 in.)
Library Company of Philadelphia Print Dept. photo - McAllister - Religion [(4)1322.F.4a(v)]
First Baptist Church, Philadelphia.
Quantity: 1 photographic print: albumen on stereograph mount, hand-colored; 9 x 18 cm.(3.25 x 7 in.)
Library Company of Philadelphia Print Dept. stereo - McAllister & Bro. - Religion [(4)1322.F.5c]
First Presbyterian Church, Elizabethtown, N.J.
Quantity: 1 photographic print: albumen on stereograph mount; 22 x 17 cm.(8.5 x 6.5 in.)
Library Company of Philadelphia Print Dept. stereo - McAllister & Bro. - Religion [8424.F.11]
First Unitarian Church
Quantity: 1 photographic print : albumen on buff cardboard mount ; 13 x 9 cm. (5 x 3.5 in.)
Library Company of Philadelphia Print Dept. photo - McAllister - churches [(5)1322.F.98g]
First Unitarian Church, 10th & Locust Sts.
Quantity: 1 photographic print : albumen on buff cardboard mount ; 11 x 10 cm. (4.25 x 4 in.)
Library Company of Philadelphia Print Dept. photo - McAllister - churches [(5)1322.F.98f]
Saint John's Church, Elizabethtown, N.J.
Quantity: 6 photographic prints: 3 albumen on stereograph mounts; 2 albumen mounted on paper; 1 albumen mounted on cardboard; 22 x 17 cm.(8.5 x 6.5 in.)
Library Company of Philadelphia Print Dept. stereo - McAllister & Bro. - Religion [1322.F.151b, 151c &156d; 5742.F.5h; 5754.F.8c]Library Company of Philadelphia Print Dept. photo - McAllister & Bro. [1322.F.154c]
Saint John's Lutheran Church, Philadelphia.
Quantity: 10 photographic prints: 5 albumen on stereograph mounts; 2 albumen, hand-colored mounted on cardboard; 2 albumen; 1 albumen on carte de visite mount; 14 x 22 cm.(5.5 x 8.5 in.) or smaller.
Library Company of Philadelphia Print Dept. stereo - McAllister & Bro. - Religion [(4)1322.F.22a-d;(4)1322.F.23a; (4)1322.F.92e]Library Company of Philadelphia Print Dept. photo - McAllister & Bro. [(4)1322.F.23b; P.8910.12]Library Company of Philadelphia Print Dept. cdv - McAllister & Bro. [(4)1322.F.22bx & 23bx]
Saint Paul's Church. (Protestant Episcopal.) Third Street, between Walnut and Spruce sts. Philadelphia.
Quantity: 2 photographic prints: 1 albumen on stereograph mount; 1 albumen; 9 x 18 cm.(3.25 x 7 in.)
Library Company of Philadelphia Print Dept. stereo - McAllister & Bro. - Religion [(4)1322.F.92d]Library Company of Philadelphia Print Dept. cdv - McAllister & Bro. - Religion [(4)1322.F.93a(v)]
Seventh Presbyterian Church, Philadelphia
Quantity: 7 photographic prints: 2 albumen on carte de visite mounts; 2 albumen on stereograph mounts; 3 albumen mounted on paper; 13 x 19 cm.(5.25 x 7.5 in.) or smaller.
Library Company of Philadelphia Print Dept. stereo - McAllister & Bro. - Religion [1322.F.43b; (4)1322.F.43c, d, & g; (4)1322.F.44a]Library Company of Philadelphia Print Dept. cdv - McAllister & Bro. - Religion [(4)1322.F.43a & f]
St. Philip's Church. (Protestant Episcopal.) Vine Street, north side, above Eighth Street. Philadelphia.
Quantity: 2 photographic prints: 1 albumen on stereograph mount; 1 albumen mounted on paper; 10 x 16 cm.(3.75 x 6.25 in.) or smaller.
Library Company of Philadelphia Print Dept. stereo - McAllister & Bro. - Religion [(4)1322.F.93b(v); (4)1322.F.94a]
Tabernacle Baptist Church, Philadelphia
Quantity: 3 photographic prints: 1 albumen on stereograph mount, hand-colored; 2 albumen on carte de visite mounts; 9 x 18 cm.(3.25 x 6.75 in.) or smaller.
Library Company of Philadelphia Print Dept. cdv - McAllister & Bro. - Religion [1322.F.5e & g]Library Company of Philadelphia Print Dept. stereo - McAllister & Bro. - Religion [(4)1322.F.5f]
The First Baptist Church, n.w. corner of Broad and Arch Streets. Philadelphia.
Quantity: 2 photographic prints: albumen mounted on paper; albumen, hand-colored on stereograph mount 8 x 15 cm.(3 x 5.75 in.)
Library Company of Philadelphia Print Dept. stereo - McAllister - Religion [(4)1322.F.5a ; (4)1322.F.5c]
Trinity Church. (Protestant Episcopal.) Catherine Street, between Second and Third streets. Philadelphia.
Quantity: 6 photographic prints: 4 albumen on stereograph mounts; 2 albumen mounted on paper; 10 x 18 cm.(4 x 7 in.) or smaller.
Library Company of Philadelphia Print Dept. stereo - McAllister & Bro. - Religion [1322.F.22b, c & e; 1322.F.23a & b; (4)1322.F.70b(v)]
West Arch Street Presbyterian Church, Philadelphia.
Quantity: 10 photographic prints: 7 albumen on stereograph mounts; 2 albumen; 1 albumen on carte de viste mount; 10 x 18 cm.(4 x 7 in.) or smaller.
Library Company of Philadelphia Print Dept. stereo - McAllister & Bro. - Religion [(4)1322.F.44a(v);(4)1322.F.44b; (4)1322.F.44b(v); (4)1322.F.45d; (4)1322.F.45x; (4)1322.F.46a,d & e]Library Company of Philadelphia Print Dept. photo - McAllister & Bro. [(4)1322.F.46b]Library Company of Philadelphia Print Dept. cdv - McAllister & Bro. - Religion [(4)1322.F.46c]
West Spruce Street Presbyterian Church, Philadelphia.
Quantity: 5 photographic prints: 2 albumen on stereograph mounts; 2 albumen mounted on paper; 1 albumen on carte de visite mount; 10 x 18 cm.(4 x 7 in.) or smaller.
Library Company of Philadelphia Print Dept. stereo - McAllister & Bro. - Religion [(4)1322.F.47a-d]Library Company of Philadelphia Print Dept. cdv - McAllister & Bro. - Religion [(4)1322.F.47f]
Church of the Covenant.(Protestant Episcopal) Filbert Street, above Seventeenth Street, Philadelphia.
Quantity: 4 photographic prints: 1 albumen on stereograph mount; 2 albumen mounted on paper; 1 albumen on carte de visite mount; 22 x 17 cm.(8.5 x 6.25 in.) or smaller.
Library Company of Philadelphia Print Dept. stereo - McAllister & Bro. - Religion [(4)1322.F.68a-[b]; (4)1322.F.67e]Library Company of Philadelphia Print Dept. cdv - McAllister & Bro. - Religion [(4)1322.F.67b]
Old Swedes' Church, Philadelphia
Quantity: 9 photographic prints: 2 albumen on stereograph mounts; 6 albumen mounted on paper; 2 albumen on carte de visite mounts; 9 x 18 cm.(3.5 x 6.75 in) or smaller.
Library Company of Philadelphia Print Dept. stereo - McAllister & Bro. - Religion - G [(4)1322.F.57e-g;(4)1322.F.54a(v), b(v) & d(v)]Library Company of Philadelphia Print Dept. photo - McAllister & Bro. - G [(5)1322.F.43c]Library Company of Philadelphia Print Dept. cdv - McAllister & Bro. - G [(4)1322.F.57h & i]
St. Clement's Church (Protestant Episcopal), Twentieth and Cherry Streets, Philadelphia.
Quantity: 1 photographic print: albumen mounted on cardboard; image 11 x 14 cm. (4.5 x 5.5 in.) (irregular); overall 23 x 31 cm. (9 x 12 in.)
Library Company of Philadelphia Print Dept. photo - McAllister - St. Clement's [P.9847]
St. Clement's Protestant Episcopal Church interior view, southwest corner of 20th and Cherry Streets, Philadelphia.
Quantity: 1 photographic print: albumen; 10 x 10 cm. (4 x 4 in.)
Library Company of Philadelphia Print Dept. stereo - McAllister & Bro. - Religion [(4)1322.F.81b(v)]
Third Reformed Dutch Church, n.e. corner of Tenth and Filbert streets, Philadelphia.
Quantity: 2 photographic prints: 1 albumen on stereograph mount; 1 albumen on carte de visite mount; 9 x 18 cm.(3.25 x 7 in.) or smaller.
Library Company of Philadelphia Print Dept. stereo - McAllister & Bro. - Religion [(5)1322.F.46a]Library Company of Philadelphia Print Dept. cdv - McAllister & Bro. - Religion [1322.F.29b]