[Girard College] Founder's Hall, Bank of the United States, Temple of Minerva, Parthenon, "Comparative Plans Temple of Minerva, Parthenon, Girard College Bank of the United States" Construction Drawings - II. 12. Comparative Details, Girard College. Local ID #: II.12.02
[Girard College] Founder's Hall, Bank of the United States, Temple of Minerva, Parthenon, "Comparative Plans Temple of Minerva, Parthenon, Girard College Bank of the United States" Construction Drawings - II. 12. Comparative Details, Girard College. Local ID #: II.12.02
[Girard College] Founder's Hall, Bank of the United States, Temple of Minerva, Parthenon, "Comparative Plans Temple of Minerva, Parthenon, Girard College Bank of the United States" Construction Drawings - II. 12. Comparative Details, Girard College. Local ID #: II.12.02